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Current Millis

Current Time Milliseconds since Epoch Time (January 1, 1970) in every computer language.

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Welcome to current-millis

current-millis (Current Time Milliseconds) is a spontaneously launched Freestyle Project with the Idea of showing how to get the current Time Milliseconds since the Epoch Time (January 1st, 1970). The Project contains the Code of almost every computer Language that is readable & useable by Humans.

The Style of this Project

Every File in this Project needs to be named like its Language Name and the designed File Ending for it, e.g ruby.rb and needs to be placed in the Folder named with the First letter of the Computer Language. The File needs to contain any required Code Lines designed for the Language, e.g public class Java {} for Java. The Code needs to have a Variable which will be directly initalized with the Current Milliseconds. If these are not the exact Milliseconds (e.g / 1000) this needs to be mentioned somewhere. Then it needs to print the Variable into the Console or into a Window.

Issues / Suggestions

If I or any other Contributors made Failures implementing these simple Code Lines, please let me know or submit a Pull Request fixing it. I'm 100% trusting the Contributors to do the things right, because I don't know every Computer Language (and how to get the Milli Seconds).

Feel free to open a Pull Request adding another Computer Language to the Repository. I appreciate every Contribution.


This Project has been inspired by and hello-world.