
A Java and Python Coder that currently works for the Network

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I'm Marc from Switzerland

I'm a 14-year old Student that is currently looking forward to be a learning computer scientist. In my free time, i code on various Projects for myself or my clients.

Tools and apps I use everyday:
  • IntelliJ Idea
  • Atom
  • PyCharm
  • Git
Mamun Srizon

This is what I can do for you

Minecraft Bukkit / Spigot Plugins

I have over 2 years of experience in the Minecraft Bukkit / Spigot Scene in which i have experimented with many API possibilities

Minecraft BungeeCord Plugins

I have over 2 years of experience in the Minecraft BungeeCord Scene in which i have experimented with many API possibilities

Minecraft Forge / MCP Mods

I have over 1 year of experience in the Minecraft Forge / MCP Scene in which i have experimented with many possibilities

Java Tools

I already coded many standalone Tools in Java like a Java Skype Tool and much more

Java Standalones

I already coded many standalone Programms for Java like a Java Child Protection Program and much more

Python Console Programs

Really simple, can anybody, why do you want me to do that for you?

A few recent works

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